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Support For Virtual App

Download and use the MathFest Virtual App. :  

  Below are the procedures to ensure an excellent experience with our app and program:

  1. Once you register on the website, you should select the app selection of your choice. You will be directed to the app (Android or IPhone).

  2. Pay your small fee to download the app and install it.

  3. After the app is installed, you must setup an account (you will be asked to provide your name, grade and any picture that you would like.

  4. On the day of the competition, you should login to our Remote Virtual Competition Website,, to participate in the event.  Each grade level will participate at a time that will be listed (please see our competition schedule on the website).

  5. Users should log-in to the website at least 30 minutes prior to their competition start time.

  6. Once your competition begins, the Moderator will guide you through the questions for your event.  Although you will see the questions on computer, you will respond in the app.

  7. Click on the test screen, then select your answer once the Moderator asks you to solve the problem.

  8. Each problem will have a specified time, so you need to solve and enter your answer within the given time.

  9. After your answer is submitted, the system will tell you if the answer is correct or not, then you move to the next question.

  10. Once the competition is completed, the top students from the Leaderboard will advance to the next level.  

  11. The Moderator will guide you through the process to ensure a smooth experience with the MathFest Event.  


Note:  The user takes a test based on their grade. If the user takes the incorrect tests, the Moderator can grant access and reset so that the user can test again. We have listed our email and phone number so that users can call and get assistance as needed (see contact information below).

For Immediate Help with the App, email us at or call (404) 391- 0249

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